Baby Feeding Support Groups

Groups are paused over half term, and will resume on Monday 24th February. Please get in touch if I can help in the meantime.

THANET GROUP (every term time Monday)

WHITSTABLE GROUP (term time Tuesdays)

CANTERBURY GROUP (term time Wednesdays)

FAVERSHAM GROUP (term time Thursdays)


Q: Why are Thanet and Faversham free to attend, but I have to pay for Canterbury and Whitstable?

A: I’ve managed to get a grant from KCC to cover the Swale and Thanet groups until March 2025, which means they are free to attend for families. You don’t have to live in these areas to access the free groups.

Q: Do I need to book to come to the group?

A: Yes please. The sessions do have a maximum capacity to ensure everyone gets the support they need in the time we have. Please message me on 07732090102 to book in.

Q: Do I have to be there at 10/9.30?

A: No, the sessions are run as drop ins, so you’re welcome to arrive and leave whenever suits you. Please note that if the session is busy, we will see people in the order they arrive, and we may need to end the sessions promptly, so please arrive earlier if possible to ensure you get the support you need.

Q: Can I bring my partner/mum/neighbour/friend/older child?

A: Yes, absolutely. Everyone is welcome.

Q: Do the groups run during the school holidays?

A: The groups are generally term time only. Therefore there will be no groups w/b 17th February because of half term.